Collection Day
Garbage pick-up will now be on Tuesdays. Containers must be placed at the curb before 7 am on Tuesdays, but not before 6 pm on Mondays.
Acceptable Containers
Bins on wheels of 240 or 360 litres
Accepted colours: black, green or grey
Maximum Quantity
Quantity is limited to 2 m3 per residence. Each residence is allowed more than one bin (maximum of 6). Each bin has a manufacturer weight capacity.
How to place your bin at the road
To facilitate the collection, wheels must face the house. Therefore, the opening is towards the road. Place your bin at a maximum distance of 1 metre from the road.
Recycling pick-up is every Thursday for all residents. 240 or 360 litre bins on wheels are accepted.
As of January 1, 2025, all paper, cardboard, metal, glass and plastic containers, packaging and printed matter can be placed in the blue bin without hesitation. For more information, visit binimpact.ca.
If you need to replace or repair your bin, you no longer have to do it yourself. Please contact us and our supplier, Éco Entreprises Québec, will repair your bin or deliver one free of charge.

To help discard of bulky items, there will be 10 collections this year between April and November.
Examples of large articles: mattresses, sofas, appliances, furniture etc.
There are 4 branch collections per year. Green waste such as grass clippings and leaves will not be collected this year. We encourage you to mow the leaves and leave them on the ground to create natural fertilizer for your lawn, as with the grass clippings. As of 2025, there will be a compost collection, details will be available soon.
Christmas trees are usually picked up in the second week of January. Make sure that they are not buried in the snow and that all the decorations are removed.
The Ecocentre is located at 9 St-Paul Street. It is open on certain Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm. Consult the attached document for the details and conditions of the service. Please see dates on the collections calendar
Collections of dangerous domestic waste are organized by the MRC of the Haut St. Laurent. It will be held on September 28th 2024 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, at 9, Rue Saint-Paul.
Home composting
Below are some useful tools to help you with your home composting. Home composting can divert a lot of material from landfill, create fertile soil that can be used at home, and avoid polluting landfills with leachate.